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An American is in a restaurant in Paris. He asks the three Frenchmen at the table next to him, “Excuse me, all my life I’ve heard about Savoir Fare. Can you tell me what that is?”

1st Frenchman says, “Ah, you’re having sex with another man’s wife and he walks in on you and says, “Please, continue.” That’s Savoir Fare.

2nd Frenchman says, “No, no. You’re having sex with another man’s wife and he walks in on you and says, “Please, continue. May I pour you a drink?” That’s Savoir Fare!

The 3rd Frenchman says, “No, no. You’re having sex with another man’s wife and he walks in on you and says, “Please, continue.” If you CAN CONTINUE, that’s Savoir Fare!